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Author & Writer
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Edy Harrington
Facing Mortality - #1
In November of 2018 I turned 80. I didn’t realize at the time, but it was a momentous event in my life. I began to encounter serious...
Edy Harrington
Old age, sickness, and death - #2
In 1978, at the age of 40, I joined a group of people from my church to study and discuss various aspects of the subject of “Death and...
Edy Harrington
Life and Death as a Spiritual Journey - #3
In chapter 5 of Stephen Levine’s book, A Year to Live, he describes the importance of “life review” in preparing for death. I learned a...
Edy Harrington
More Thoughts About Fear - #4
I begin this blog with a post script from the last blog: Looking back on my religious/spiritual journey I realize that it is not a matter...
Edy Harrington
Middle of the Night Fear - #5
The mind is a strange and wonderful thing. When I stop to notice what my mind is doing, I usually have to smile because my mind seems so...
Edy Harrington
Mindful Living and Dying - #6
In Chapter 9 we learn more about mindful living and dying. The most effective way to do this is through a meditation practice. There are...
Edy Harrington
Coronavirus and Fear - #7
A new fear entered out lives when the coronavirus, COVID 19, took hold in the U.S. as it had around the world. The news was full of it –...
Edy Harrington
The Dying Process - #8
Chapters 12, 13, and 14 in our book, A Year to Live, describe the dying process in some detail. Chapter 12 focuses on the various beliefs...
Edy Harrington
Life Review - #9
Chapter 16 of A Year to Live is entitled “Life Review.” If you have been following my blogs you will remember that in Blog #3 I shared...
Edy Harrington
Forgiveness and Gratitude - #10
We focused on the concept of forgiveness in the last blog. In this blog I will share ideas about the concept of gratitude. In the...
Edy Harrington
Journaling - #11
Chapter 19 which is very short reminds us of the importance of regular journaling. Journaling can take many forms: poems, paintings,...
Edy Harrington
Altars - #12
Chapter 20 shares with us the value of creating an altar of remembrance. I was reminded of an altar I created when my husband Dick died....
Edy Harrington
Sensations as Path to Awakening - #13
In the chapter called “Living in the Body,” Levine revisits the importance of sensations in the body. He includes a body scan meditation...
Edy Harrington
Letting Go of Control - #14
Chapter 23 of A Year to Live talks about our letting go of control regarding the need to be independent. Last week I had another bout of...
Edy Harrington
Who Dies? - #15
Several issues come up for me in Chapter 26 Levine’s book A Year to Live. For example, in the first sentence he states that “we go...
Edy Harrington
Original Face - #16
There are several concepts taught by Buddhism that I find problematic. Chapter 27 brings us the question of “original face,” from the Zen...
Edy Harrington
NDES and SDES - #17
In Chapter 28 of A Year to Live, Levine discusses what he calls “After-Death Experiences.” Before we get into that, I’d like to share...
Edy Harrington
After Death and Beyond Death - #18
After having discussed near-death-experiences (NDE), Chapter 29 begins to look at what might happen after death, i.e., not returning to...
Edy Harrington
Disposing of the Body - #19
If you have been reading, or re-reading with me, our book One Year to Live you may have noticed as we move along its chapters and be in...
Edy Harrington
Finding the Lotus - #20
Chapter 34, “Finding the Lotus Before Winter,” uses the lotus plant as a metaphor for human growth and development. The lotus plant is...
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